3 cinnamon sticks
12 allspice berries
8 coriander seeds
Pinch of blade mace, ground
1 Tbsp hot curry
1 Tbsp mild curry
6 orange peels, fresh
⅓ C fresh ginger, sliced
4 bananas
22 oz Giffard Banane du Brésil liqueur
37 oz water
¾ C sugar
1¾ oz gin or light rum
¾ oz lemon juice
1 egg white
Nutmeg, fresh
Cooking time: 1 hour sous vide
Syrup (make and store) yields enough for 50 cocktails
The Aviary's Micah Melton shares a favorite sous vide cocktail recipe exclusively with Sous-Vide.
The Aviary's Micah Melton shares a sous vide cocktail recipe exclusively for Sous-Vide readers.