French Toast Flip


Nothing’s off limits for Gn Chan’s cocktails. The owner of Double Chicken Please sous vides toast and maple syrup for this rich Aberfeldy concoction.


Maple Toast Syrup

8 slices bread, toasted
2 C maple syrup
2 C coconut water



1 ½ Tbsp Scotch whisky (Aberfeldy recommended)
2 ¼ Tbsp whole milk
1 egg white
1 tsp butter, unsalted
Pinch of sea salt
Walnuts, crushed, to garnish (optional)
Berries, to garnish (optional)



  • Sous vide circulator
  • Sous vide pouch
  • Fine-mesh sieve
  • Immersion blender
  • Cocktail shaker
  • Coupe glass


Cooking time: 5 minutes (excludes sous vide cooking)


Recipe yields about 3 ½ cups of maple toast syrup—enough for 17 cocktails.


For the Maple Toast Syrup:

  1. Place the toast and maple syrup into a sous-vide pouch. Seal and cook at 145.4°F (63°C) for 40 minutes.  
  2. Open the pouch and strain into a bowl. Blend in the coconut water with an immersion blender for about one minute.
  3. Strain again through a fine-mesh sieve and set aside until ready to build.

To Build:   

  1. Using a cocktail shaker, combine 3 tablespoons of maple toast syrup with the cocktail  ingredients, excluding the walnuts and berries.
  2. Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker without ice (called “dry shaking”) for a few seconds.
  3. Fill the shaker with ice and shake again for an additional few seconds.  
  4. Strain into a coupe glass and garnish with walnuts and berries.  


Developed by Chef Gn Chan of Double Chicken Please. Featured in Sous-Vide magazine Spring/Summer 2018.